Happy Monday! This is the last week I am home in California before I head back to school in Boston (from west to east coast). I am saddened that my short break of a few weeks with my family is almost over. At the same time though, I am excited to start my senior year. Sigh... how time flies, how time flies... Anyway, I had a great time at an outdoor shopping center (my favorite kind) this past weekend. It was gorgeous out and it was so much fun. I was strolling around in Nordstrom and looked at their shoes , dresses , jewelry , bags , etc... basically everything, I really love Nordstrom, okay? *insert sassy-girl-with-her-hand-out emoji*... Afterwards, I got home and sat on my couch for what seemed like an eternity just trying to recover from all of the shop-walking (it's a ton of hard work, mental, physical, you name it, just tons of pure hard work I tell ya), I just had a random thought about bags. Of course I did, of course. So what did I do about this thought? I started lookin...