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Playful Plaid

Happy Friday! I got settled into Boston last night, sure did find comfort back in my apartment... especially after many, many hours spent at airports. From San Francisco to Denver to Boston, what a trip! (Yay for getting to sit in the first row on both of my flights.) It was so snowy in Denver... and might I add, very chilly once I stepped off the airplane. Although I was only there for a layover, I was able to see a gradually intensifying snowfall through the airport windows. Gorgeous snowy white all around. No snow in Boston, but thankfully it wasn't as cold as it was in Denver. It was around 47 degrees when I arrived - my Uber driver even mentioned how warm it was that day - lucky me to be able to arrive in Boston with weather like that. I immediately unpacked once I got back and then purchased groceries because... sustenance... girl's gotta eat. Note: on my walk to Target to buy zee food, it was pouring rain... oh, Boston weather... Anyhow, later I put on my comfy red plaid pajama set (from Target, I love Target!) and snoozed till the morn. Zzzz... and speaking of plaid, I've recently gotten more into the look. It's cool and casual, and let's not forget to mention... comfy. Typically I wear solid colors... no prints for me... but I might be more accepting of plaid and add one or two of these plaid blouses to my closet... 

xo, I

Soft Joie  •  Madewell
Kut from the Kloth  •  Thread & Supply
Rails  •  Madewell
Sanctuary  •  Madewell
BP.  •  Madewell


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