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Some Facts About Me

New Year's at home. Loved this sparkly dress by Dress The Population. Shoes are the Jimmy Choo Romy pumps... super comfy.
Spring break has finally arrived... woohoo. This upcoming week I'll just be relaxing in Boston; I won't be traveling anywhere. It's nice to be on campus without the hustle-and-bustle atmosphere. I'll spend my time eating, sleeping, working out, reading, painting, studying, walking around, exploring, watching movies, etc. etc. Just typical activities I very much enjoy. :) Anyhow, since I haven't shared too many details about myself on this blog, here are some facts about me...

Friend's bday party. We "pregamed" in Stuvi and then spent the night out. I love wearing big hoop earrings.

  • ❤ My first name is Iris... I always sign off my posts with I. My middle name is H... it stands for my middle name: Hai Yi. My last name is Lin... my blog is eponymously named. 

  • ❤ I am 21 years old. More numbers, yay... I am 5'7"... More like 5'9"-5'11" since I wear heels all the time often...

  • ❤ I was born in San Francisco, but lived in China from 1-6 yrs old... Chinese was my first language.

  • ❤ I live in Boston now; I'm a senior at Boston University. My dorm apartment has an incredible floor-to-ceiling panoramic view overlooking the Charles River.

  • ❤ I love playing the piano, and used to play the flute in band in middle school.

  • ❤ I played competitive tennis for over ten years and am on a full athletic scholarship for being on the D1 varsity tennis team for BU. I'm also on the squash team.

  • ❤ My favorite fruit is the best fruit ever, aka mango. I love mangos. I love them so, so much. Frozen mangos, fresh mangos, anything with mango. Gimme gimme.

  • ❤ My favorite dessert is ice cream. Oh my gosh, do I love me some ice cream or do I love me some ice cream. Ben&Jerry's Milk&Cookies is the best B&Js flavor. Two summers ago I tried this flavor from JP Lick's with a combination of cookies&cream and cookie dough. Life-changing. I originally bought a small cup of it and then went back in line to order a pint. So. Good. *Currently eating Milk&Cookies while "lightly jogging" at a 10.0 pace/6.0 incline on the treadmill... skillz* 

  • ❤ My favorite color is baby pink. It used to be red, then emerald green. Still love those colors, but baby pink is my favorite.

  • ❤ I am very neat and tidy and organized. I love to clean, and I try to be as minimalistic as possible and try to keep my surroundings... i.e. my room, living spaces, etc... as clean and tidy as possible.

  • ❤ I am an early bird and wake up around 4:30am every morning; I prefer early mornings to late nights.

  • ❤ My favorite TV shows are Suits, Friends, HIMYM, House of Cards, and Seinfeld.

  • ❤ I love Celine Dion. Some other favorite artists: Coldplay, The Killers, Kygo. 

  • ❤ I just ate 2 too many of the recommended dosage of gummy vitamins. Not the first time that's happened... unsure if that has adverse effects and is detrimental to my health or not. Oh well, I'm still alive and typing.

  • ❤ I drink black coffee. At least one big ol' mug of it every morning. Max two, though.

  • ❤ My favorite animal is a fluffy, white pomeranian puppy. Notable mentions: baby elephants and baby pandas.

  • ❤ I have always wanted to visit Paris and Bali. I am learning French in school, and also would eat so much fruit from Bali. So much. All of it. All the Bali fruit. Mine.

  • ❤ I once created a two-story fort out of my dorm bed. There were fairy lights all around the walls, I had a dreamy sheer canopy with floor-to-ceiling curtains, and in the downstairs, I had my own little theater with fairy lights in the "ceiling" as well to act as stars. 

  • ❤ My favorite holiday is Christmas. The family time, food, lights, decorating... love everything about it.

  • ❤ I love to cook. I also love to eat. e.g. sushi (my fav), Mexican food, Chinese food, fries. Although I generally eat healthy, I love to indulge here and there. Read: pints of ice cream.

Christmas at home. We got multiple trees. My request... I missed Christmas a lot when I was younger so now I try to go all out. :) We had 5 or 6, I think.

Well, that was a list of 20 highly interesting facts about me... Maybe I'll list some more later or do a little video on it...

xo, I


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