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Bucatini with Butter-Roasted Tomato Sauce

Bucatini with Butter-Roasted Tomato Sauce

I made this recipe last week as part of my weekly end-of-the-week-relax-and-cook-with-a-glass-of-wine-in-tow situation. I made this years ago, so technically this isn't a new recipe for me to make, but it is something that took a bit more effort (in comparison to the simple fish/veggies combo I make for meals during the weekdays). The recipe is short and simple, and the outcome is a whole lot of carby goodness. I used spaghetti instead of bucatini because Whole Foods didn't carry bucatini. I also used the entire package of 16oz spaghetti, although the recipe calls for 12oz. The sauce-to-pasta ratio was fine for me, but for added flavor, definitely stick to the 12oz portion. I was craving pasta so badly (I rarely eat it), and this recipe was just perfect. I ended up eating all of it over the course of two days! Carbo-loading, I guess you can say... haha :p

xo, I


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