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Ligurian Risotto

Ligurian Risotto
Photo from: NYT Cooking
Well, well, well... what do we have here? A new blog post? Yes, indeed... a new blog post. After a break from the blogosphere, I am back on board. First things first I'm the realest, a few quick updates...
  • ● I power walked in my graduation ceremony.
  • ● I live in Brookline now (for the summer), in a cute apartment with three roommates.
  • ● I am staying in Boston for at least one more year. 
  • ● I will be competing in the Miss Massachusetts USA pageant in November.
  • ● I love eating mangos, more than I ever have... which I did not think was possible.
Also, I plan on making at least one new recipe each week this summer. I am so excited to try out new food and various dishes. I made my first recipe last week: ligurian risotto from NYT Cooking. It was delicious! And actually simple to make. Will make it again sometime later, but for now, I am off in search of another new recipe to make for this week!

xo, I

The ingredients... not pictured: the vegetable broth. White wine was used... and white wine was had by moi as well.

Creamy risotto... I added red pepper flakes because spice is always nice. :) 


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