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Smoky Eggplant Dip

Smoky Eggplant Dip

Happy happy Sunday. :) Suns out, guns out. Sort of. I spend nearly most of my time in the library nowadays (Mugar's ac temps are set really low for some reason, grr... brr...), but I do go out for a run or some kind of workout to keep me up and moving. It's always lovely to enjoy the sunshine and get the endorphins going - I feel completely refreshed each time. What else has been new? Not much, but one thing is that all of my roomies have moved out of my summer apartment. So essentially it's just me in Apt1 and Mugar. Some may say it's boring, but I'm not complaining, haha. Gotta do what ya gotta do, amiright. Also, I think I fall into the category of being an extroverted introvert (although I'm an INTJ on the Myers-Briggs indicator), where I absolutely love my alone time, but I also love to spend time with friends and socialize and what not. It's balanced out, and I seriously believe it's the best of both worlds. Anyhoo, maybe I'll cook up some more recipes before I move out of Apt1 just for the heck of it... This eggplant dip seems like it'd be delicious. I don't have a grill to "smoke" the eggplants on but perhaps I'll just roast them in the oven in lieu of that. When I was younger my favorite vegetable was the eggplant, so me making this would be a tribute to those days. (When I lived in China one of my aunts would often deep-fry eggplant slices... not the healthiest, but boy were they delicious.) I'll keep a lookout for more recipes I'd want to try to make before moving out, too. Two more weeks and it'll be bye-bye Apt1... best make the most out of it!

xo, I

p.s. My soon-to-be roomie and I spent an *entire* day at Ikea last weekend. It is the most incredible yet frustrating place to go to. On one hand, they've got great finds and products and hello, Swedish meatballs, anyone? But on the other, its realty space is massive and the layout makes you go through every section, making it easy to get lost or making it difficult to find a proper way to exit. Glad we managed to get out of there alive and well, and with a tough workout and lots of goodies. :p


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