Happy Monday! This past weekend Roger Federer and Serena Williams won the Australian Open - woohoo. Such an amazing tournament for both of them... not to mention Rafael Nadal and Venus Williams' great performances as well. I haven't played tennis in quite a while, but watching them play was inspirational. I almost feel like picking up a tennis racket and hitting for a bit! Almost, almost. Maybe after the French Open? Or... after Wimbledon? Eh, erm, or maybe after the U.S. Open... haha. I mean, at least I have been working out. Yay for FitRec being a three-minute walk away from StuVi1. Also, I've been wearing heeled boots pretty much everyday and I'm wondering if I should wear sneakers more. It's nice to be a couple inches taller than I am, but a part of me wants to just bask in the gloriousness of being 5'7"-ish . Oh, the dilemmas I put myself through ... I have with me one pair of casual sneakers and one pair of running sneakers. My running sneakers are ...